KereKere Kiosk

KereKere is a coffee vendor that lets customers decided how the profits are distributed and provide employment for young people facing barriers to finding work. You can read lots more about James and his social enterprise at his website

After years of braving the elements with an outdoor coffee cart (that we toiled away on a few years back), James finally had had enough. He asked us to design a small enclosure to keep him and his staff warm and at the same time create a bit of a ‘moment’ in a pretty dull laneway at the University. Although small, the 3m X 3m X 3m timber clad box has a personality of its own, with doors that open in all sort of orientations that become awnings and ‘crowd control’ barriers. Sitting in the public space it successfully walks the line between a found object and a piece of industrial design.

Emilio Fuscaldo, Imogen Pullar
Conellan Industries
Jesse Marlow